Kohler, Jeremy. 2020. St. louis county police under rigorous review by consultants, documents show. St.Louis Post – Dispatch, Nov 19, 2020. [database online] (accessed November 26, 2020).

CLAYTON — A consulting group reviewing the St. Louis County Police Department on behalf of St. Louis-area businesses has for five months aggressively engaged police officials of every rank with meetings, questions and record requests, in a wide-ranging analysis of the department, according to records obtained by the Post-Dispatch through a public-record request.


The first public mention of the review and the joint city-county effort came during Wednesday’s police board meeting, five months after County Executive Sam Page announced the review of the county police department.

In a videoconference, Courtney Adante, president of Teneo Risk Advisory Group, said her team had drilled into six areas of interest: a “cultural diagnostic” that considers everything from employee relations to public trust in the police; the department’s communications strategy; crime reduction strategy; use of technology; use of force and allocation of resources.


Lt. Col. Troy Doyle, who was appointed by County Executive Sam Page in June to serve as a liaison between the consultants and the police department and later filed a claim of racial discrimination against the county, told the board that he hoped the document “will contain many of the hard truths we know to exist … we have a long way to go and our efforts should not end with the publication of a document.”


The documents also showed how the group planned to introduce the public to the joint city-county effort.

A draft of a memo shared between Teneo and the city and county police indicated it was important to frame the initiative as being “people first” and centered on a “holistic, collaborative approach to healing a community rife with victims, crime, fear, and disorder.”

You can read the full article here: https://www.stltoday.com/news/local/crime-and-courts/st-louis-county-police-under-rigorous-review-by-consultants-documents-show/article_a5b4b989-a802-5fad-82b0-3d96be73bb3e.html