News from Indiana

Indiana Debate Commission: Governor candidates to participate in televised debate on October 24, 2024
Archived Debate The Republican, Democratic, and Libertarian candidates for Indiana governor have agreed to meet Oct. 24 in a televised debate organized by the Indiana Debate Commission. The debate among Mike Braun (R), Jennifer McCormick (D), and Donald Rainwater (L)...

Indiana Debate Commission: Hosting GOP Primary Debate on April 23, 2024
The Indiana Debate Commission will host a live televised debate among six candidates seeking the Republican gubernatorial nomination. The event is scheduled for 7-8:30 p.m. EDT. The candidates will answer questions before a live audience at Hine Hall Auditorium, 875...

The Indiana Citizen: SMALLER ROLE: New limits on public access counselor seen as blow to open government
Marilyn Odendahl. 2024-03-16. The Indiana Citizen. Every year, Gerry Lanosga, director of journalism at The Media School at Indiana University – Bloomington, cautions his students, “The legislature is in session. Hold on to your access.” The Indiana General Assembly...
News from ICOG

Dear Governor Holcomb: Veto HEA 1338
Dear Governor Holcomb, Veto HEA 1338. I hope this message finds you in good health and spirits. My name is Zachary Baiel and I proudly serve as President of the Indiana Coalition for Open Government, a network of citizens, journalists, academics, and open government...

Sunshine Week 2024: March 10th – 16th
Good day everyone! We are working on some virtual events for Sunshine Week 2024 (March 10th - 16th). One, in particular, will be to help populate our Indiana Data Tracker website with public datasets from across the Hoosier State. You can subscribe to our Substack,...

2023 IGA Amendment Dataset
One summer project for ICOG is to make more of the Indiana General Assembly Data available to Hoosiers. Here is the first installment of this series. Indiana General Assembly 2023 Amendment Dataset (CSV) Columns available: 'name', 'description', 'state',...
All the News

Congress: Protect Reporters from Exploitative State Spying Act or the PRESS Act passes the House
On January 18th, the House moved forward on the PRESS Act: On motion to suspend the rules and pass the bill Agreed to by voice vote. Read the full bill here: Read the latest actions here:...

The Brechner Report: 11/10/2023 – All the latest government transparency news
You can read the full newsletter here: Topics covered: Access to state public records is "deteriorating terribly" Strategies to stem the tide of exemptions New Jersey's...

Shading Sunshine: The Proliferation of Exemptions to State Open Records Laws
Cat Reid. 2023. Shading Sunshine: The Proliferation of Exemptions to State Open Records Laws. Duke Law Journal, Volume 73, Number 2. November 2023. Abstract State and local open records laws play a vital role in our democracy. They shed light on the darkest places,...