Rep. Randy Borror, R-Fort Wayne, introduced a bill that creates the Indiana Economic Development Corporation as a replacement for state Department of Commerce. Thanks to an amendment by Rep. Scott Reske, D-Pendleton, which was accepted by the bill’s author, the corporation will be subject to the state’s Open Door Law and Access to Public Records Act. Still in question is whether this group is subject to an audit by the State Board of Accounts. The bill has been referred to Senate Committee on Appropriations.

Update (2/1/05): Sen. Vi Simpson, D-Bloomington, offered amendment clarifying that the state Board of Accounts would audit the Indiana Economic Development Corporation every year, which was accepted in the Senate Committee on Appropriations. The bill now awaits action on the Senate floor.

Update (4/18/05): Bill approved by both House and Senate and signed into law by Gov. Mitch Daniels.

For a full version of the bill online, click here.