And the bill allowing search fees for public records requests is back and moving forward this session:

HB 1523

Search fee for public records requests. Allows a state or local government agency (agency) to charge a maximum hourly fee for any records search that exceeds two hours. Prohibits, with certain exceptions, an agency from charging a fee for providing a public record by electronic mail. Provides that if a public record is in an electronic format, an agency (excluding the office of the county recorder) shall provide an electronic copy or a paper copy, at the option of the person making the request for a public record.

The search fee bill is back and has passed the house with a vote of 62-25.  Here is the full voting record for the bill.

You can follow HB 1523 on the Indiana General Assembly web site.

If you would like to read an opinion piece on this article, check out Bad bills never die by ICOG Board Member, Gerry Lanosga.