HB 1418: http://iga.in.gov/legislative/2021/bills/house/1418

When some areas expand, others contract. One area to note is that the bill expands the mandatory exemptions (10) from Application information declared confidential by the Indiana Economic Development Corporation under IC 5-28-16 to include all of IC 5-28.

Bill Summary: Economic development issues. Provides that application information declared confidential by the Indiana economic development corporation (corporation) is exempt from public disclosure under the Access to Public Records Act. Provides that the corporation shall establish a transparency portal on its Internet web site. Removes the responsibility of the governor to appoint a president to the corporation. (Currently, the governor appoints a president of the corporation, who serves at the pleasure of the governor and reports to the secretary of commerce.) Requires the corporation to upload on its Internet web site (1) final public financial resource agreements to which the corporation is a party and (2) reports that the corporation submitted to the general assembly. Establishes provisions that require greater transparency in state an local government actions related to incentives received by the corporation and the Indiana destination development corporation.