Lange, Kaitlin, and Amelia Pak-Harvey. 2021. Indiana senate overrides veto on indy landlord bill. Indianapolis Star, Feb 09, 2021. (accessed February 11, 2021).

In a statement Monday, Holcomb said he “remained confident in his decision to veto the bill.”

“To be sure, we are still navigating through this once-in-a-century pandemic and therefore I still believe this is not the right time for that overly broad language to have become law,” Holcomb said. “While I obviously disagree with their decision to override my veto, I hope the General Assembly will take a careful look at how this new law will affect local residents and units of government.

Holcomb has only vetoed one other piece of legislation – a 2017 bill regarding public records search fees. Lawmakers did not override that veto.

Sen. Aaron Freeman, an Indianapolis Republican whose name has been on several bills that would restrict the city’s power in various ways, stressed that the bill is about maintaining landlord standards across Indiana’s 92 counties.

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