Herron, Arika. 2022. Access counselor: Open door law violated at transgender bill hearing. Indianapolis Star, Feb 10, 2022. (accessed February 10, 2022).

An Indiana lawmaker violated the state’s Open Door Law when he told the public they could not record a General Assembly committee meeting Wednesday, according to the state’s public access counselor. 

Sen. Jeff Raatz, R-Richmond, chair of the Senate’s education committee, told a crowd gathered in the Senate chamber that he would not allow recording of the meeting. The chamber was full as lawmakers considered a bill that would ban transgender girls from playing girls sports.


Before starting the hours-long meeting, which had three bills on the agenda, Raatz laid out extensive rules to “maintain decorum” for the public and committee members. The rules, though, were different than he has laid out at previous education committee meetings. 

The “no recording” by the public rule had not been announced before. Committee meetings also are livestreamed online by staff and the recordings archived on the General Assembly’s website.

He also limited committee members to one question each, instead of the usual two.

You can read the full article here: https://www.indystar.com/story/news/politics/2022/02/09/indiana-transgender-sports-bill-counselor-says-open-door-law-violated/6724126001/