A bill on how the new Controlled Unclassified Information (formerly known as SBU) Framework – announced by the WH on 9 May – is to be implemented in the Dept of Homeland Security (HR 6193) contains a provision requiring DHS to
“(7) maintain a publicly available list of documents designated and marked, in whole or in part, as controlled unclassified information, indicating which have been withheld in response to a request made pursuant to section 552 of title 5, United States Code (commonly referred to as the ‘Freedom of Information Act’), and create a process through which the public may seek the removal of such a designation and marking.”
We have been asked if there are any examples of similar registries/lists in the states. If you have relevant info, please reply to me offline today.
Patrice McDermott, Director
202.332.OPEN (6736)
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