The Indiana Coalition for Open Government is in search of a university or other organization to serve as an administrative partner and help take our all-volunteer coalition to the next level. President Keith Robinson recently sent a notice seeking proposals to Indiana colleges and universities after ICOG received a proposal from Indiana University’s School of Journalism.As Robinson noted in the letter, ICOG has neither paid nor volunteer staff. Rather, our programs are carried out by an all-volunteer board of directors. The letter continued:

“We do good work: We hosted the national Freedom of Information Summit in Indianapolis in 2006. In 2007, we conducted a statewide survey of  the effectiveness of the state’s public access counselor. Last year, through a John S. and James L. Knight Foundation grant from National Freedom of Information Coalition, we updated the Handbook of Indiana’s Public Access Laws, which we make available to the public free of charge. They are just a few of the many things we do for the cause of open government in Indiana.

“But we could do more programs and be more effective if we had an “administrative home,” that is, a partner who would take on some of
our work, such as keeping our Web site current, producing our monthly e-mail newsletter and, most important, applying for grants that provide the funding resources for some of our programs.

“ICOG still would operate with a board of directors, who would plan and execute its programs, such as educational seminars and other meetings. It also would retain a treasurer to administer its finances. Its administrative partner, however, could be valuable in providing
day-to-day administrative support as directed by the board.”

ICOG has asked potential partners to respond by Feb. 27. The ICOG board will meet in March (exact date to be determined) to discuss the proposals and whether to move forward on a partnership.

The board is interested in hearing from members (and others) about this. We will announce our March board meeting via our email newsletter, and members as well as the public are always welcome to attend. Or, make your thoughts known by sending them to us in an e-mail.

Stay tuned for news!