ICOG is always looking for opportunities to spread the word about the need for easy access to government information. Recently, board member Anthony L. Fargo had the chance to speak to an important audience in that regard: government information technology professionals.

Fargo and Jay Lytle, information technology director for the Indiana Department of Transportation, spoke to about 30 IT professionals on the topic “Transparency and Open Government: Our New World and Your New Role!”

Fargo, who is also an associate professor in the Indiana University School of Journalism in Bloomington, discussed the importance of transparency in government and offered some general advice on how IT professionals could think about making access to government information easier. Lytle shared examples of attempts by the Indiana and Virginia transportation departments to provide information to the public about economic stimulus jobs and general project completion information, respectively.

If you would like an ICOG access expert to speak to your group, check out our Speaker’s Bureau.