Sheckler, Christian. 2021. New train station in south bend: Lots of money on studies. no progress. no location settled. TCA Regional News, Mar 21, 2021. (accessed March 24, 2021).

Mar. 21β€”In 2018, when former South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg threw his support behind a new downtown station for the South Shore Line, the choice thrilled urbanites who believed it could continue a renaissance in the city’s core.

At the same time, the proposal came with a massive price tag and marked a split with St. Joseph County’s plan to build a new, relocated station at the South Bend International Airport. County officials envision a rail hub at the site, with both passenger and freight service.

Three years later β€” after multiple studies and hundreds of thousands of dollars in consulting fees β€” the idea of a new train station may be on life support.


A previously unpublished study, commissioned by the city more than two years ago for $180,000 and released to The Tribune in response to a public records request, sheds light on the immense amount of work that would go into the downtown route. It would include the acquisition of dozens of properties, the relocation of an Amtrak station, and the destruction of the soccer field at the Salvation Army Kroc Center and two buildings at a public housing complex.

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