Wilkins, Ron. 2021. Trustee refuses to work with board. Journal & Courier, Sep 12, 2021. (accessed November 28, 2021).

Fairfield Township Trustee Taletha Coles continues to ignore Indiana laws that require trustees attend township board meetings and make public documents open for inspection, township board members said.

Board members met Thursday morning, and Coles did not attend, despite the township having a looming deadline to approve a 2022 spending plan.


Coles was the Zoom host for the February meeting, and she insisted the board adjourn after she gave her report. When the board refused, the meeting broadcast abruptly ended.

In April, Coles again attended remotely and refused to answer any questions board members asked; much of the board’s request was for public information such as financial records and policies. Coles’ participation in the April meeting amounted to her repeatedly responding that the board members’ questions were administrative issues and did not pertain to the board, according to board minutes.


The Journal & Courier asked Coles about her lack of attendance at board meetings, her denial to present public records to the board, her proposed 2022 budget, and her complaint to the public access counselor. She did not respond.

You can read the full article here: https://www.jconline.com/story/news/local/lafayette/2021/09/10/lafayette-trustee-refuses-attend-meetings-work-board-taletha-coles/8261288002/